2015 /美国 /奇幻 冒险 动作 /55分钟
主演: 安德鲁·M·格雷 席亚拉·汉娜 JohnMarkLoudermilk 克里斯蒂娜·马斯特森 AzimRizk 卡梅隆·贾宝 EmilyMcKenzie ShaileshPrajapati IanHarcourt LeviKereama SarahJames JimMcLarty JasonFitch JanGopperth JamieChristmas 艾莉森·麦金尼斯 DannySlavin SelwynWard PatriciaJaLee 杰森·弗兰克 杰森·范特 ReggieRolle 梅洛迪·帕金斯 吉奥夫·多兰 凯瑟琳·萨瑟兰 Danny Slavin Selwyn Ward 帕特里夏·佳·李
导演: Charlie Haskell 坂本浩一
剧情简介 : As Orion leaves to go back to his home planet, Tensou discovers a radio frequency from Emperor Mavro stating he will use his entire Armada to invade Earth! The Rangers fight back and they don't give up. But when The Emperor and his army destroy all the Super Mega Zords, the Super Mega Rangers must unite and fight alongside all the Legendary Rangers from the past to defeat the a...