1953 /Brazil
主演: WaldemarWey GildaNery Waldemar Wey Gilda Nery Jaime Barcellos Geraldo Santos Pereira 伊娃·维尔马 Antonio Olinto Mário Sérgio Erminio Spalla Labiby Madi Paulo Autran
导演: 卢恰诺·萨尔切
上映时间: 1953-04-15
剧情简介 : Vera Cruz Studios出品的经典影片,维拉-克鲁兹是五十年代巴西最著名的电影制片公司。 Swindler in jail devises a scheme of blackmailing the family of recently deceased people, threatening to tell supposedly incriminating facts about the dead man's life. In 1953, in Sao Paulo, the small time crook Dorival (Waldemar Wey) blackmails the families of recently died persons. He looks for important names in the obituary ...