1939 /捷克斯洛伐克 /剧情 /87分钟
主演: JindrichPlachta 马尔万·雅罗斯拉夫 FrantisekVnoucek MilosNedbal JaroslavPrucha FrantisekKreuzmann LudvíkVeverka VojtaNovák JarmilaHolmová KarelVeverka FerencFuturista LadislavPesek R.A.Strejka 鲁道夫·霍辛斯基 弗兰季塞克·菲利波夫斯基 VladimírSalac GustavHilmar MarieBlazková BolekPrchal EllaNollová 兹沃尼米尔·罗戈兹 约瑟夫·克姆尔 玛丽·纳德姆莱因斯卡 布拉热娜·斯拉维奇科娃 Jindrich Plachta Frantisek Vnoucek Milos Nedbal Jaroslav Prucha Frantisek Kreuzmann Ludvík Veverka Vojta Novák Karel Veverka Ferenc Futurista
导演: 马丁·弗里茨
上映时间: 1939-01-01
剧情简介 : This film about struggle between students and professors is based on the book by Czech teacher and writer Jaroslav Zák and its faithful to that pattern. The movie is a compilation of the stories from the students' life in some small town somewhere in the Czechoslovak republic in 30's of the 20th century. But there are some "main plots" - first could be the story about the new y...