1964 /南斯拉夫 /剧情 /92分钟
主演: 洛泽·波托卡尔 布兰科·普莱沙 AleksandarMicic AnteKastelan JozoLepetic JanezVrhovec DusanJanicijevic MilosTripkovic 帕维尔·武吉西奇 DusanGolumbovski ZlatkoMadunic UrosKravljaca DusanVujisic Jozo Lepetic 亚内兹·弗尔霍韦茨 杜尚·亚尼契耶维奇 帕夫莱·武伊西奇 Dusan Golumbovski Zlatko Madunic Uros Kravljaca Dusan Vujisic
上映时间: 1964-01-01
剧情简介 : Yugoslavian anthology movie with three stories. "Father": Germans are taking hostages, peasants from local fields. One old man is begging for German officer to release his sons. Officer offers him releasing of one of his sons, but other will be shot. "Swamp": Two Partisans are in swamp, surrounded by enemies. One of them is wounded, and other one wants to save him by any cost. ...