2019 /英国 /恐怖 惊悚
主演: 布鲁斯·佩恩 丽贝卡·沃尔什 肖恩·克罗宁 SzentesHenrietta PriyankaArya CateFowler 朱利安·西格尔 EkeChukwu Karl-MartinRantapelkonen GaryGrant NicolaGoodchild JonathanHansler LeeByford SamanthaLoxley ChrisRogers IkramKhan EllieTorrez Eke Chukwu Ikram Khan Ellie Torrez 亨丽埃塔·森特斯
导演: Neil Monaghan
上映时间: 2019-10-18
剧情简介 : Five friends hold an Election Night party in a politically divided Britain. A populist right-wing party and a radical left-wing party battle for the keys to 10 Downing Street. When riots break out throughout London, there is a knock on the door and a plea for help. With one simple action the friends' lives will be changed forever.